Sunday, April 22, 2012

SLO 1/2 marathon race report

I need a tan
I decided to sign up for this race in preparation for another 1/2 marathon in June.  I didn't have high expectations after slogging through part of the course last weekend, I just didn't want to do terrible.  The elevation profile showed this race to be hilly, but it really does not do all the hills justice.  After running the whole course I didn't think it was accurate at all, but that is neither here nor there.  My plan was to run the flat and downhill parts around around 7:30/mile pace and the hills at 8:30/mile pace.  That would bring me in around 1:43:30.

Mile 1: 7:22
Mile 2: 7:25
Mile 3: 7:37

These were all flat, except for the end of last part of mile 3.  It winded through downtown SLO and was pretty uneventful.  The best part was the weather was overcast and in the low 50s, perfect.

Mile 4: 7:55

This mile was rolling hills on Johnson Ave.  I ended up running faster than my 8:30 pace, but I just ran how my body felt, which was pretty good. 

Mile 5: 7:02

The bonus of going up hills is being able to fly back down them.  I was running around 6:45ish/mile but I reigned it in because I didn't want to pay for it later.  The toughest part of the race was yet to come.

Mile 6: 7:45
Mile 7: 7:55

These hills were never ending.  I didn't run this part of the course prior but expected them to not be as tedious as they were.  Again the weather was ideal.  It has been super hot around here lately and I don't do well running in the heat.  After I made the turnaround, not only was it still overcast and in the 50s but I was also running into a slight breeze.

Mile 8: 7:16

This was the mile where I figured I could not only set a PR, previously 1:41:42, but go under 1:40.  I was going strong downhill, but I soon had to run up the hill I ran down on mile 5.

Mile 9: 7:42
Mile 10: 7:39
Mile 11: 7:36

I was starting to hurt near the end of mile 11.  On top of that we had to cross a bridge to get over the rail road tracks.  It had one of those ramps with 3 switchbacks to get to the top of the bridge.  WTF?

Mile 12: 7:58

At this point I wasn't hitting the wall like I have done in marathons, but my body was really hurting.  In the back of my mind there is always this voice that says "shut it down and walk."  I hate that.  I just had to press on.

Mile 13: 7:29

The end was near, all I had to do was run up the steep incline to get to the bike path where the race ended.  I REALLY wanted to walk, but I am glad I didn't because I would have lost the seconds I needed at the end.  When I was running up the hill I had to put my hands behind my head and interlock my fingers to try and get a little bit more air in my system.  Does that work, probably not, but at the moment it felt like it did.

The last stretch I was pushing hard and ran a 6:00/mile pace for the last .15 miles.  I ended up running 1:39:42, 2 minutes faster than my previous PR.  I was also 62nd out of 1810 runners.  For such a hilly course and not expecting to do anything close to this, I am very happy. 

And this was without a doubt the best post race experience ever!  They had all the normal goodies plus unlimited Jamba Juice!  And I had Shelly and Emme waiting for me at the finish line.  If that isn't a reason to run fast to get there I don't know what is.