Thursday, August 4, 2011

I hate hills

One of the things I like about this training plan that I am doing is that despite running 6 days a week, I always seem to feel fresh.  I had a hard run last week where I ran hill repeats of .23 miles x 4.  Even though this workout only lasted 19 minutes it was by far the hardest yet.  I just plain and simple don't like running up or down hills.  It is disappointing because I think trail races like the ones on by far look the coolest but once I look at the elevation gains and losses it makes me cringe.  I actually did one of these races in Montano de Oro a few years ago and here is the elevation chart...

Basically this race killed me and my quads.  I couldn't even walk down stairs for about 3 days without holding onto the rails.  Nevertheless, days after my hill repeats last week I could still feel the effects.  My butt and all the surrounding muscles (the ones I don't realize I have until they start to hurt) were really sore.  Once I got going on my subsequent runs I felt better and I knew at that point I needed to start adding more hilly routes to my regular running routines so I am ready for the Verrazano and Queensborough Bridges.
Today was the first of those hilly days and thanks to my new running watch I can upload the run like magic...

I think at the 3.5 mile mark I was all the way down to about 12:00/mile pace which was the top of the biggest hill.  I should have just walked at that point because I would not have been going any slower but it was more of a mental thing and wanting to push through.  I know in my first marathon I told myself "no walking" and I was glad I did because it really made me keep going.  In my second marathon I forgot how tough the marathon really was and I didn't tell myself "no walking" so of course I did.  That made for a long day and a lot of walking, because once you start it's really hard to start running again.  I'm hoping to be well enough prepared come November that walking doesn't even enter my mind. 

1 comment:

  1. Man, this is going to be your first marathon without me! Keep it up!
