Monday, March 19, 2012

Modesto 5k race report

Training has been going really well in the weeks leading up to my 1st race of the Spring.  I have been pretty consistent in doing one set of 8x400 intervals at 5k race pace, one 40-45 min tempo run, one longer run of 80-90 minutes and two other easy days of 3-4 miles each week.  Besides my weight creeping back up near 170 pounds, opposed to the 160 when I ran NYC and that other 5k in November, I feel like things are going really well.
The morning of the race I had an unwelcome visitor... one that is usually only reserved after trips to Wienerschniztel, Woodstock's Pizza or a night of too much drinking.  In about a 45 minute period I had 5 separate trips to the bathroom.  I was really starting to wonder if I was going to be able to run this race.  I know that running while having to go #2 is probably one of the most miserable things in the world and I have never run when experiencing the d-train.  All I knew was that if things got bad during my run, it would be really bad.  With all that in mind I decided to drive to the race and see how I felt.
I was happy to see a ton of port-a-potties once I arrived but thankfully I never felt like I had to use one.  I drank as much water as I could to rehydrate, but not enough so it would be sloshing around in my stomach.
I was right at the start line when the gun went off and by looking at the times from this race in the previous years I thought I had a good shot at winning my age group.  I think all the really fast runners my age were in the marathon and half marathon, which was fine with me.  Right from the get go I started to feel pretty beat.  I clocked 6:16 the first mile and I knew that was probably a tad bit too fast for how I was feeling earlier.  After the first mile I was running behind a group of 3 or 4 other runners and I stayed with them for the rest of the race.  The 2nd mile I clocked 6:23 and I actually moved to the front of my little pack. 
Side note:  I just got a text that Peyton Manning is signing with the Denver Broncos.  As a die hard Broncos fan I am pumped!  I feel terrible for Tim Tebow though.  OK, now back to my race.
The 3rd mile was tough and I fell behind two others in my little pack.  In this being my 2nd 5k race I've learned that the finish line is never too far away.  I've been in marathons and half marathons where I have totally hit the wall and still a good ways away from the finish line.  Nothing is more demoralizing.  The 5k is great because I can look at my watch and tell myself, hold on for 4 more minutes, hold on for 2 more minutes, hold on for 30 more seconds.  Before I knew it the race was just about over.  My 3rd mile clocked in at 6:29.
When I made the final turn the clock was around 19:10 and I was very glad I knew I would run another 5k in under 20 minutes.  My last race was in 19:37 and this time I clocked in at 19:42.
Overall I got 2nd in my age group and 12th place overall.  I also got in the Modesto Bee here as finishing in the top 20 for the race.   I feel really good with where I am at and am hoping I can peak in June when I run my half marathon.

1 comment:

  1. nice work! And yes, I will write up something soon myself. Lots going on.
