Saturday, October 29, 2011


its almost like a second ankle
After my last 20 miler a few weeks ago I didn't write about my foot hurting because I didn't think it was that big of a deal.  I was wrong on that assessment.  I had to take about 5 days off of running during what should have been week 16 of my 18 week training plan.  Not the end of the world, but not ideal either.  I figured whatever it was would go away with some rest.  After it not seeming to get better I went to a podiatrist and he said that it is a specific muscle that in inflamed.  The muscles wraps over the top of my foot down to my toes.  When it really starts to get bothered my whole foot hurts.  The only remedy at this point is ice and ibuprofen since rest is not an option.  Honestly I don't feel it on my runs now, but the longest run I have done since my 20 miler has only been 4.66 miles.  When it first occurred it was mile 18.5.  At that point it felt like stabbing pains shooting up my leg.  I'm hoping this is not a problem on my marathon as I really want to run unhindered.  At least if it does hurt I know what it is and hopefully I can man up under the pain.  I really really want to beat my time from 4.5 years ago and I don't want this to be an excuse if I don't.      

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